天畅环保在潍坊恒信建设集团成功召开产品推介会Tianchang Environmental protection successfully held a product promotion meeting in Weifang Hengxin Construction GroupTianchang Environmental protection successfully held a product promotion meeting in Weifang Hengxin Construction Group




On November 28, 2011, our company successfully held a product promotion meeting in Weifang Hengxin Construction Group. The successful holding of the promotion meeting allowed our company to establish a good cooperative relationship with Weifang Hengxin Construction Group, and also laid a good foundation for our company's glass fiber composite doors and Windows to enter the Weifang market.

上一篇我公司首届“天畅杯”篮球赛圆满成功举行Our company's first "Tianchang Cup" basketball game was successfully held
下一篇天畅环保公司首届代理商年会圆满成功举行The first annual meeting of agents of Tianchang Environmental Protection Company was successfully held



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