枣庄市长李峰来山亭区调研农村厕所改建工作Zaozhuang mayor Li Feng came to Shanting district to investigate rural toilet reconstruction workZaozhuang mayor Li Feng came to Shanting district to investigate rural toilet reconstruction work




On the afternoon of April 8, 2016, Li Feng, deputy secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and mayor of Zaozhuang, came to our district to investigate the reconstruction of rural toilets, and inspected the 54 station of petrochina, Fengmao Village of Fengmao Town and Dugu Village of rural toilets. Zhu Guowei, Secretary general of the Municipal government, Liu Zongguo, Deputy Secretary general of the Municipal Government research Office, Municipal Finance Bureau, Housing and Construction Bureau in charge of comrades attended, district leaders Li Chunying, Wang Qingfeng, Zhao Haitao, Zhao Chuanyun, Peng Qinghui and the district government office, Economic and Information Bureau, Finance Bureau, Housing and Construction Bureau, Fengmao Town in charge of comrades accompanied.

上一篇枣庄市农村改厕新材料应用现场会在天畅环保召开Zaozhuang City rural toilet new material application site will be held in Tianchang environmental protection
下一篇热烈祝贺我公司玻纤门窗在“济南铁路西客站公寓”及”临沂二中“两项目招标采购中顺利中标!Warmly congratulate our company glass fiber doors and Windows in the "Jinan Railway West Railway Station apartment" and "Linyi No. 2 Middle" two project bidding and procurement successfully wo



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