山亭区领导到我公司走访慰问贫困职工家庭On January 20, 2016, district leaders visited our company to visit the families of poor workers and sent them condolence money and daily necessities, accompanied by Ren Zhaocai, vice president of the company.On January 20, 2016, district leaders visited our company to visit the families of poor workers and sent them condolence money and daily necessities, accompanied by Ren Zhaocai, vice president of the company.




On January 20, 2016, district leaders visited our company to visit the families of poor workers and sent them condolence money and daily necessities, accompanied by Ren Zhaocai, vice president of the company.

上一篇热烈祝贺山东天畅环保科技股份有限公司成功挂牌新三版!Warm congratulations to Shandong Tianchang Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. successfully listed the new third edition!
下一篇枣庄市委副书记、市长李峰来我公司调研企业发展情况Li Feng, deputy secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and mayor of Zaozhuang, came to our company to investigate the development of enterprises



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