天畅环保公司参加2014山东第二届绿色建筑与建筑节能新技术与产品博览会Tianchang Environmental Protection Company participated in 2014 Shandong second Green building and building energy saving new technology and products ExpoTianchang Environmental Protection Company participated in 2014 Shandong second Green building and building energy saving new technology and products Expo






Shandong Tianchang Environmental Protection Company participated in 2014 Shandong second Green building and building energy saving new technology and products Expo.

The building field is one of the three key areas of energy use in the whole society, this exhibition is sponsored by Shandong Building Energy Efficiency Association, Shandong Construction Science and Technology Center, Shandong new Chenghua Exhibition Co., LTD., with the theme of "green building, low-carbon life", gathered representative green building and energy saving brand enterprises in the industry. The latest products and technologies of green building and energy saving are fully displayed.

上一篇天畅环保与山东省科学院生物研究所签订产学研合作协议Tianchang Environmental Protection signed an industry-university-research cooperation agreement with the Institute of Biology, Shandong Academy of Sciences
下一篇中共枣庄市委书记李同道莅临天畅环保慰问调研Li Tongdao, Secretary of the CPC Zaozhuang Municipal Committee, visited Tianchang Environmental Protection



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